Beyond the walls, there is the human.
Vulnerable, insecure, sensitive
and strong in the Heart.
I invite you on a journey
to put those walls down and
to get to know your authentic self.
I'm Matteo Tangi
With the question: "what is my purpose?" many years ago I left my home to start a journey of discovery. Passionately I've been seeking the answer, traveling the five continents to meet teachers, exploring different ways to live and push myself forward, until one day something in me changed.
I felt the wish of slowing down and being more gentle with myself. To stay with the question, without running to find the answer. To appreciate more the small things and to reconnect with the playfulness, the lightness, and childlike joy.Today I live my life dancing with this two energies. Yin and Yang, being and doing, accepting and transforming, staying and moving. Holding space for others to find their own balance and to explore their unique potential is my work.
My passion and my work is facilitate safe and spaces where we can let go the usual masks and habits, to rediscover ourselves in all our contradictions and unicities. Spaces where the mind can rest and the body awakens, to reconnect with oneself, and others.
To do that I created Playfight, a body practice where non-violent fighting meets circle wisdom to become a catalyst of personal transformation. A unique way to create deep connection using strength and playfulness in connection with our emotions and with other people.
The question "What is my Purpose?" moves towards
How can I contribute to a conscious and regenerative humanity?
What starts as an individual quest for meaningfulness is shared among many.
You are no longer alone in your path. The movement is rising. Together we evolve.
How can I contribute? How can I show up?
Those are the question where the true purpose lies.
Are you ready to ask yourself this question?
I'm with you.
Scroll to read what people say about me
Matteo encouraged me to get into action quicker than I could imagine. I enjoyed a lot working with him, because I felt that he was true to himself and authentic. It inspired me to stand for myself.
Marion Ansaldi, France.
His dedication towards providing spaces for deep transformation is remarkable and inspiring. He is trusted space holder, whom I wish to encounter on my path of self growth again and again.
Chiara, Italy.
With strong commitment Matteo holds space in an inspiring and creative way, facilitating intense and effective processes of inner transformation. He's a truthful embodiment of the spirit of Change now!
Juliana Estevez, Brasil.
When I met Matteo I was surprised by his sympathy, open-mindedness and professionalism. It is clear to me that he is capable of thinking "outside-of-the-box" and to "see" emergent future possibilities
Vasco Gaspar, Portugal
I find Matteo to be a wonderful human being. He cares about building a better society by creating small changes that can lead to big impacts in the future.
Carla Ferreira. Portugal
Matteo helped me to go further. He is someone I consider to be committed and trustworthy, and who you can count on to help you to structure your ideas
Diogo Cordeiro, Portugal.
Let's stay in contact
For any question or simply to share what you are feeling right now,
drop me a line!